Join Foil Me In Celebrating World Bee Day

An Australian registered not-for-profit charity, Wheen Bee Foundation promotes awareness of the importance of bees for food security, and funds research that addresses the national and global threat to bees.

To contribute to the survival of the global bee population, Foil Me are donating $1.00 from the sale of every box in The Bee collection to assist Wheen Bee Foundation.

On Friday 20th May, we will be celebrating World Bee Day, a day to spread awareness of the significance of bees and other pollinators for our survival.


Why should we care about bees?

According to the Wheen Bee Foundation, bees play a vital role in preserving biodiversity and ecosystem health and without them, many ecosystems would be altered or cease to exist altogether.

There are over 20,000 species of bee that exist globally and Australia is home to around 2,000 species of native bee. These bees have co-evolved with our unique native flora over thousands of years.

Bees are so important to our livelihood as they help to pollinate most of the crops we eat and many that feed farm livestock. In fact, nearly two-thirds of Australia’s agricultural production benefits from bee pollination.

But bee populations are under threat. Destruction of their natural habitat, intensive farming practices, and pests and diseases are just some of the complex reasons driving a decline in both  the number and diversity of bees.

Honey bees are the most widespread managed pollinator having co-evolved with our food production systems.


How can we help?

#1 Join us in celebrating World Bee Day and introduce The Bee collection to your salon, as $1.00 from the sale of every box in The Bee collection is donated to Wheen Bee Foundation.

#2 Dress up in yellow on World Bee Day (20th May) and share on social media to spread awareness.

#3 Buy local honey. Supporting your local beekeepers helps your beekeeping industry remain viable and build pollination security for our bee-reliant food industries.

#4 Plant a bee friendly garden. Bees need more habitat and there are a wide variety of plants for all garden sizes that attract and nourish bees, from eucalyptus trees to tasty herbs and vegetables.

#5 Avoid pesticides. Support bee-friendly farming and gardening practices. Many pesticides and agricultural chemicals are harmful to bees and other pollinators. Where possible, buy or produce food grown without the use of harmful chemicals.

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